Complete our short business survey

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Learn 8 powerful strategies to slash costs by up to 60%

We’ve conducted research with thousands of global business buyers

and understood how they drastically reduce business operating costs

Please complete this quick 1-minute survey to help us understand

your buying pain points and business sourcing journey

No contact details required to complete the survey

1. What pain points or challenges do you experience on your journey to locate/source service providers?

2. When looking at your buying journey, what services, if any, are you considering outsourcing? And why?

3. Please provide more detail about the type and nature of services you want to outsource? Tick all that apply

Back Office Services

Customer Experience

Debt Recovery

Digital Channel Fulfillment

Finance & Accounting

Human Resource Management

IT Outsourcing

Research and Knowledge Processing

Learning Services/Training

Legal Services

Procurement Services

Recruitment Services

4. Would you consider outsourcing or offshoring these services to other countries? If so, where?

5. Are there any timeframes in which you would you look at outsourcing these services?

6. Would you like us to introduce you to potential outsourcing service providers in these locations?

7. Can we register you on our online B2B platform, GBS.World, to receive the latest outsourcing research and news?

About Global Business Researchers

Global Business Researchers are internationally recognized field researchers who gain insights from global business buyers about how to cut costs and recession-proof their businesses.

With over 30 years of experience in the field, we have helped thousands of businesses with data-driven insights about how to reduce costs by up to 60%.

Global Business Researchers have become trusted partners for companies looking for research on how to improve their efficiencies, hire qualified and certified providers, spread their risk, and increase their profit margins.